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Creating a holistic view on farmer end-to-end experience across EMEA for a multinational company.

My role in this project
Service & Strategic Design Lead
  • Project lead, responsible for client relationships, workshop facilitation and interviews.
  • Lead the research activities with SMEs
  • Developed and validated 12 experience blueprints 


The multinational biotechnology company offers seeds, crop protection products, fruit and vegetables crops and digital farming solutions. The EMEA Digital Transformation Team had the goal to transform the farmer's journey by envisioning a seamless and consistent experience across countries.


The research was done in strict collaboration with representatives of each of the top 12 EMEA countries and consisted of: 

- Review and analysis of current documentation

- 24 discovery workshops (2x countries)

- 1:1 interviews with SMEs


Due to the differences in culture, weather conditions, geographical landscape, the EMEA region is characterized by diverse market needs and fragmented solutions. ​The region's complexity limits visibility and transparency over countries’ go-to-market strategies and internal processes. This situation called for a consolidated overview of the farmer end-to-end experience of the top 12 countries.


12 As-Is experience blueprints

Our insights into different EMEA markets allowed us to simplify, visualize and standardize (across countries) the online and offline end-to-end CX landscape, from touchpoints to capabilities and technologies. The experience blueprints provide visibility on the differences and similarities among countries as well as a foundation for the To-Be experience that the company plans to offer to ​its audiences in the future.​


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